Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Random BullSh*t

I dropped dinner tonight. I caught a lot of hell for it. Mostly cause no one asked why I dropped it, I just caught a lot of crap for it. Got yelled at. My wrists are sore today and my fingers are a lil' swollen. Which is why I couldn't hold the bowl anymore, it happens. They didn't have to be so mean about it, they weren't in the kitchen making their own dinner.

They didn't ask if I needed help, nothing. So I am sitting here venting, covered in potato soup. Awesome.

I really hope my night gets better. I have work tonight, so it has to get better.

I am really starting to get pretty clumsy here lately...I wonder if this is something I may have to bring up to the doctor, I have been dropping a lot of stuff...ALOT.

Oh, well...time to get ready for work :/

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Rest

No rest this week.

Even though I could really use some...I'm such a space cadet from broken up sleep that my son read me a book, and I could not tell you what it was about. I also had math class today, ugh. I really want to paint my nails today and my daughters' nails with this cool idea to use newspaper....but I'm really tired. I fired up the coffee pot in hopes of enough energy to make it through the evening till bedtime. blah, blah, blah.

Next week is Thanksgiving, a holiday that I absolutely love!!! I donated $25 to the Scary Mommy blog, to help with Thanksgiving dinners for those that may not be able to afford the food for the holidays. I will be making individual Pumpkin Cheesecakes with candied Pecans, hmmm mmmm! I think I am most excited about those, and maybe some stuffing. I just love all the food, time spent with family, and just the warm feeling of the holidays. I am suppose to make more desserts, not sure what to make though.

Off to brainstorm...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dirty Fingers

I am going to start off by saying, I KNOW I AM NOT PERFECT! I know I talk trash on other people occasionally when it's due. But, what I am tired of is other people complaining and pointing their dirty little fingers at others. So let me clarify what I am trying to say....when people complain that people aren't doing what they are suppose to BUT in the same hand they don't do it all the time either. I know there are times that I complain about others and what they don't do. It is always easier to focus on others and their faults, than to turn the mirror on ourselves. I am guilty of this many times over and I can admit this fault of mine and I know I get angry and upset when others point out to me what I am not doing or what I am doing wrong. So I think that for myself right now, I am going to look at my own faults before I start pointing out others faults in themselves. A positive step to be the change you want to see in others.

On that note....

Some faults I need to work on:
  • being on time (I am habitually late for EVERYTHING!)
  • I need to be more friendly to others (my wall)
  • I need to let others know when I am upset and why
  • I talk like a sailor (argh matey ;)
  • to be who I want my children to be
So I am going to work on these lil' gems. Some will be harder than others but hopefully my hands will be clean. Although I'd rather not talk about others like that anyways...I don't want to be the gossipy miserable ole' sow. Let's focus on the good in ourselves and others before we pull out all the bad. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wow, I am Chewing With my Mouth Open

Or at least I was. I have chewed up a bit and wiped my chin clean.

I was going to school full time, I totally thought I could do it. I have a friend that is going full time, along with juggling various other activities and a kid...she made it look so easy! Well, let me tell ya', it wasn't so easy and I had to drop some classes. Okay, let me rephrase that last sentence, I dropped all three online classes I was taking. First off, I am not an online type of student. I need a teacher in my face, I need the accountability right there. So with a ton of wasted money and added stress, I am only in math class. I haven't talked to my advisor yet about changing my major. I am not even sure I would qualify to do the nursing program with having RA.

Rheumatoid Arthritis. RA. Life Drainer. The Fat Butt Bug. Pure Frustration.

I don't normally like to talk so much about the RA stuffin's with everyone, only those special few get to hear me complain and whine about how it makes me feel. Truth is, I know there are other people with the same disease that have it a hundred times worse than I do right now. So, I count my blessings that I am able to work, move and still take care of myself & my family, and I still occasionally get out to enjoy my life. It does get frustrating, very frustrating...days I don't want to move when I know that it's the best thing to do. To be honest, other bloggers and support groups aren't very positive. It's very disheartening to go to a support group only to hear everyone complaining about the same things we all are going through and their doctors, who are only human. People aren't looking for the silver lining in this illness. I know what mine is; it's to teach me how to slow down and enjoy my family and my life, To take better care of myself, to teach me patience and virtue, it's given me thought and perspective. Manners. If anyone knows a positive RA blogger, I would love to hear about them.

Alright, nuff said...chew, chew, swallow.