Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Random BullSh*t

I dropped dinner tonight. I caught a lot of hell for it. Mostly cause no one asked why I dropped it, I just caught a lot of crap for it. Got yelled at. My wrists are sore today and my fingers are a lil' swollen. Which is why I couldn't hold the bowl anymore, it happens. They didn't have to be so mean about it, they weren't in the kitchen making their own dinner.

They didn't ask if I needed help, nothing. So I am sitting here venting, covered in potato soup. Awesome.

I really hope my night gets better. I have work tonight, so it has to get better.

I am really starting to get pretty clumsy here lately...I wonder if this is something I may have to bring up to the doctor, I have been dropping a lot of stuff...ALOT.

Oh, well...time to get ready for work :/

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